Arya Samaj

आर्य समाज इंदौर

कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्

आर्य समाज इंदौर

कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्

What is Sanatana Dharma?

Sanatana dharma is a term that refers to the eternal Truth of Hinduism. The roots of this phrase can be traced back to ancient Sanskrit literature as a kind of cosmic order. Sanatana denotes “that which is without beginning or end” or “everlasting.” Dharma, no direct translation into English, but comes from dhri, meaning “to hold together or sustain.” Dharma is often interpreted as meaning “natural law.” Arya Samaj considers Vedic Knowledge as the source of Sanatana Dharma. 

What is Sanatana Dharma?

Sanatana dharma is a term that refers to the eternal Truth of Hinduism. The roots of this phrase can be traced back to ancient Sanskrit literature as a kind of cosmic order. Sanatana denotes “that which is without beginning or end” or “everlasting.” Dharma, no direct translation into English, but comes from dhri, meaning “to hold together or sustain.” Dharma is often interpreted as meaning “natural law.”

Hinduism (or Vedanta Dharma) is the only religion which has been so misinterpreted and mis-read by historians and others. Just because someone found a coin in the desert of Arabia, it was decided once and for all that ‘Aryans were invaders who came into India’. Fortunately, such theories of ‘Divide and Rule’rs have fallen. The Aryans were Indians, living by the River Saraswati, who developed the Hindu faith. Read this: ‘The Aryans of India were the framers of the most wonderful language, the Sanskrit, the fellow workers in the construction of our fundamental concepts, the fathers of the most natural of natural religions, the makers
of the most transparent of mythologies, the inventors of the most subtle philosophy, 7 and the givers of the most elaborate laws’

Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma) is the only religion which is not a religion alone, in the sense that the adherent should pay a Sunday visit to some temple or religious place. Hinduism is a way of life. Hinduism touches all aspects of life—this life, next life, and afterlife.

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